Summer School Projects

Summer School Projects

Digital Academy

Summer school is an annual activity of Mapubi eV which usually takes place within a period of one week. This program is aimed to attain the aims of the Mapubi eV association. As a nonprofit association Mapubi eV aims to provide an intellectual knowledge exchange Platform to support development. Thus, during this program, mapubi e.V provides trainers and carryout workshop activities to empower the youths through knowledge transfer. This is always crowned with E_Mentoring and fieldtrips. This is always ensure that alot is learned and experienced during this 01 week program.
Our first summer school program took place in 2016 in Cameroon. This program was held in the nations economic capital Douala. This took place at IUT of Douala (Douala Institute of Technology) in Cameroon precisely. The NGO in partnership with IUT of Douala, organized this summer school program and was sponsored by CIM (Centre of International Migration). 
It had as theme ‘My Future Now: The Android Generation’ with the goal to inspire IT students at the University of Douala and by raising awareness of the opportunities available to them in the field of IT. During the summer school students were also involved in a community project and tasked to conceive and develop a mobile application to warn authorities in case of an emergency or disaster.

Many more summer school programs have been held since then till present as you would see...
Aims of these summer school programs and digital academy were always achieved as knowledge was always transferred and results yield. At the end of every year’s program, prices were always given the the best participants and trainers. This was to encourage them and others to reach their potentials. This always kept everyone in a competitive nature to put in their best.

Field Trips

On the last days of the summer school week, field trips are always organized for the students. The purpose is to give students an overview of a work environment. Some field trip experiences we have had includes trips to Brasseries du Cameroun (plant of Koumassi) and DHL (Headquarters at Bonanjo). Both companies gave access to their working processes and how they use technology to implement their business processes. This was during our summer school program in Douala 2016.

During the 2017 summer school program, three field trips were organized for the students. The purpose was to give students an overview of potential companies that would support them in their ICT career. The field trips were held at the headquarters of Paradigm Initiative in Yaba and the headquarters of `Co Creation Hub` ( All companies gave access their sites and the students could learn about ICT training opportunities and career paths in ICT. The students also had the opportunity to visit the library (American room) prior official opening.

As always, participants had the experience to see how other already well-established enterprises and startups functioned during the 2018 summer school program. A field trip to SOPECAM (the main editor in Yaoundé and its main product is ‘Cameroun Tribune’ the national newspaper) and Kiro games were visited. From each of these environments, both participants and trainers had the chance to better understand how these enterprises or startup came all about, how they function and lots more.

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