Save a Child Save a Nation (SACSAN) Foundation is a registered non-governmental organisation, duly incorporated in Nigeria on July 29, 2011. Its vision is to realise a nation of self-motivated, self-reliant, self-disciplined and selfless leaders, with a focus on education and youth development, through Career Development Programmes, Entrepreneurship Education/Empowerment and School based Mentoring.
Funmi Olaore and her team of volunteers organise free Career Development
Workshops at secondary schools. The event below was their maiden edition of the “Talk with the Professionals event” which took place at McRoyal College, Lagos in June 2016.
The purpose of the event was to bring adults in various professions to speak with the students, to inspire them, to expand their horizons on the possibilities available to them and give them an idea of how relevant their subject choices are to their careers and the world of work.