Summer school 2018 at Yaounde

Summer School at the Mapubi Coworking in Yaoundé- Cameroon from the 16th to 20th of July 2018


 MAPUBI in partnership with the MAPUBI Coworking in Yaoundé and in collaboration with universities in Cameroon organized a Summer school week in Yaoundé. 

With theme “SHAPING YOUR DIGITAL CAREER”, the digital academy workshop at the MAPUBI COWORKING took place from the 16th to 20th of July 2018 and hosted students and trainers.

With the aim of sharing knowledge, summer school had as target students from various universities of Cameroon. During the digital academy workshop, students from the universities of Yaounde1, Yaoundé II, Bamenda and Buea were present or had a representative. In the course of this workshop, various digital field were discussed so that participants could fit into any of the five project groups. These project groups included the

  • Java Developer Group,
  • ERP Group,
  • System Administrator Group,
  • Business Analyst and eCommerce Group
  • Community/Content Management Group.
Each group had a weekly objective to reach and the SCRUM methodology was used for the project management. The program started every day at 9 am and ended at 5 pm. With eMentoring sessions at midday, lunch break and workshops in the afternoons.

On the first day of the program, the aim of the project as well as the objectives of each group were presented to the audience. The main objective was to give all attendants a taste of working on a project using digital tools and how project objectives can be met. The participants were informed that the project week would end with a presentation by each group and a jury would give prices to the best project and students.

 This was followed by presentation of the objectives of the summer school and introduction to digital jobs by Mrs Olivia MBOU. Here a deep but brief talk was given so as to ensure that participants fully understood the aim of this summer school. Not only that, but also learn something useful, helpful and then practice it. She explained the Content every element that was content for this summer school as listed below

- The Choice of Training
- Current Job Opportunities in the Digital World
- Large employers in Cameroon
-Large employers in Africa
-Offshore employers
-How to apply for a Digital job?
-How to prepare for interviews?
-The culture of work (Hard work, Integrity, Continuous Learning, Team Work)
 It was on this day that team building was done after understanding the goal of each team and what they were to do. This took place well after the afternoon e-Mentoring sessions with Mrs Laetitia GNASSINGBÉ, CEO of buyforafrica and Mr Paul Emmanuel NDJENG, owner of the blog INBOUND 361 and Manager of MAPUBI Coworking. From this, each team proceeded to plans and how to achieve their goals.

       The second day started with more and detailed presentations of the digital jobs, which proceeded to the eMentoring sessions by midday with Mr Yannick NANA representative of Camairco Paris and Mrs Funmilayo OLAORE, Executive Director of Save a child Save a Nation Foundation (SACSAN) in Lagos-Nigeria. This was followed by lunch break and then workshops by the various groups.

      The third day was filled with workshops on effectively writing CVs and preparing for job interviews. The eMentoring session with Dr Emmanuel NJANG a medical doctor at Fundong District Hospital and CFO HERO Cameroon and Mrs Olivia MBOU an IT Manager and founder of the MAPUBI NGO as the e-Mentors for the day.

      On the fourth day, Thursday morning, the students had the chance to visit the company SOPECAM in Yaoundé. SOPECAM is the main editor in Yaoundé and its main product is ‘Cameroun Tribune’ the national newspaper. The team of students was welcomed by Mrs EKOO and Mr MEZING. After the field trip, an eMentoring session with Mr KUEMENE, a bank manager in Yaoundé, was held. Each group had the chance to present their work through a team presentation including a project demo.

       Then came the last day Friday the 20th where it was the field trip day. Participants had the experience to see how other already well-established enterprises and startups functioned. The second field trip Kiro games. From each of these environments, both participants and trainers had the chance to better understand how this enterprise or startup came all about, how they function and lots more. Everyone had the chance to ask questions as their mind puzzled to feed their curiosity. To know, see and understand how digitalization was used in the various enterprises.

The summer school week was ended by a networking dinner near the University of Yaoundé with all participants present in Yaoundé. The best group and the best male and female participants were recognized with computer gifts or a token envelop.


We would like to use this opportunity to thank all project helpers, facilitators and sponsors. 

  • Special thanks to our local partners MAPUBI COWORKING for welcoming the event in their premises. The University of BUEA for their participation and the University of YAOUNDÉ.
  • We would like to thank SOPECAM especially Mrs NNANA the managing director, Mrs EKOO, Mr MEZING and Ms TCHUILEU.
  • And to KIRO’O games, especially Mr MADIBA, Mr YAKAN, Mr BASSANGNA and Mr SONGUE BISSA for allowing us to discover their great companies and observing them at work.
We would like to thank our mentors for inspiring us with their shared experiences: Mrs Laetitia GNASSINGBÉ, Mr. Paul Emmanuel NDJENG, Mr Yannick NANA, Mrs Funmilayo OLAORE, Dr Emmanuel NJANG, Mrs Olivia MBOU and Mr KUEMENE.

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