Date: 16 September 2023
Time: 16:00 h
Venue: Eschborn Stadthalle
Thank you for registering for our Gala event.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Due to organisation reasons, registrations close latest 2 days before the event.
To register for the event :
2. We are a non-profit-organisation, your donation will contribute towards our projects. Please use our account or PayPal information below. Your donation is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Donation Bank Account Number:
IBAN: DE50500100600526032609 BIC PBNKDEFF
Donation PayPal:
( See also mapubi.eV PayPal QR Code below )
3. Send an email to with your name and donation receipt to request your donation receipt ( Spendenbescheinigung ).
4. Please note that picture and video materials will be recorded during the event that would serve towards communication on our website and social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube) . By registrating to the event you agree on these terms and conditions. Thank you for your understanding.