Biography of Mrs Consuelo Dougan Chaffer

Interview with Olivia Mbou

Biography of Mr Martin Madiba

Consuelo Dougan Chaffer has over nines years experience in various fields

in the oil and gas sector and is actively involved with the motherless

babies home in her hometown as well as a board member of the Youth Counsul


Consuelo recently launched a retail eCommerce platform with a target

market of working-class family women. This platform is the first of its

kind launched in her home country, where running a business as a woman is

a big challenge.

Consuelo holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of

Phoenix and has vast knowledge of financial analysis. Consuelo is a 2015

Mandela Washington Fellow, a flagship program launched by President Obama

for Young African Leaders in the year 2010. This initiative host 500

Sub-Saharan Africans who are selected on merit to undergo leadership


Articles featuring Consuelo Dougan as an Entrepreneur


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